Public Health begins COVID-19 booster campaign
Cow Creek Public Health is now administering COVID-19 booster shots to those who were vaccinated through the health agency earlier this year.
Cow Creek Public Health is now administering COVID-19 booster shots to those who were vaccinated through the health agency earlier this year.
A group of Oregon’s Tribal leaders, including Cow Creek Board of Directors Chairman Dan Courtney, are united in their opposition to a proposed private gambling project in Grants Pass.
Leadership of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Government Offices have moved to reopen campus to Tribal members and the general public beginning the week of October […]
Douglas County’s top public health expert recently heralded the efforts by Cow Creek Public Health as an integral part of the region’s response to COVID-19 during the Delta surge.
After months of planning, the new location of the Cow Creek Health & Wellness Center North Clinic is ready to see its first patients.
After months of construction and planning, the Cow Creek Health & Wellness North Clinic will move and open a new clinic location in Roseburg during the first week of October.
Seven Feathers Casino Resort will be closed to the public for nearly a week beginning Sunday.
After more than 3,000 COVID-19 tests administered to the public since August, Cow Creek Public Health and Cow Creek Health and Wellness will refocus efforts in the coming weeks on […]
After administering hundreds of free COVID-19 tests and free COVID-19 vaccines over the last month, Cow Creek health officials will briefly pause their efforts for Labor Day.
Due to COVID-19 health concerns and restrictions, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Government Offices will not be participating in the Veterans Day Parade, scheduled for November [...]