Cow Creek Umpqua Tribal families, supporters, business partners, community partners and residents! We need your voices now to help us fight!

The Bureau of Indian Affairs has set off a 30-day comment period on the Coquille Indian Tribe’s off-reservation casino in Medford that ends on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024.

With just 24 hours until the end of the comment period, the Cow Creek Umpqua Tribe and others filed a lawsuit to stop the project from moving forward:

The timing of this comment period around the holidays is not surprising, but it still cannot exclude your voices.

Write to the BIA to express your extreme dissatisfaction with the idea that those who do not live in Southern Oregon are making decisions for people who live and work in this region!

  • Oregon does not need another casino, disrupting “One casino per Tribe”
  • The Coquille Tribe is from the Oregon Coast, 170 miles away from Medford
  • An off-reservation casino in an urban area will lead to many more casinos across the state from Tribes that have zero ancestral ties
  • This decision puts not just one Tribe, but five Tribes, at an extreme disadvantage
  • The government should not be picking winners and losers
  • New governments elected in November should have adequate time and representation when it comes to transformational decisions that will affect a community for decades to come


By mail or hand delivery to:

Bryan Mercier, Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northwest Region
911 NE 11th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97232
Please include your name, return address, and “FEIS Comments, Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project” on the first page of your written comments.

By email to:

Tobiah Mogavero, NEPA Coordinator, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Use “FEIS Comments, Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project” as the subject line


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