Moving and Grooving Through Summer

A Treat to Sweeten a Day and Connect with Friends and Family

These warm summer days can take us many directions: a garden, a dance meetup, a walking group, or a splash in the river. Opportunities abound to get out and weave in activity throughout the day, naturally.

Do you ever feel confused by the research on exercise and how much to get each day and how intense? You might be surprised to learn that mild to moderate natural movement throughout the day is highly beneficial for your health and well being.

CHALLENGE: If you find yourself sitting for more than 20 minutes straight, and your mobility is still with you, take a moment to move around: a short walk, a few yoga postures, weeding in the garden, dancing to a favorite song, or completing a household chore. Keeping active throughout the day, supports good blood flow and brightens the mood with happy hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin.

Furthermore, if movement lands you outdoors, in Umpqua Valley’s warm sunshine, remember to wear sun protection: clothing, hats, and mineral-based sunscreens. And if you get caught up in enjoying the activity, keep fresh water nearby. Our bodies are about 70% water, lubricating joints and the brain, and supporting good blood flow to bring vital nutrients to organs and clear away their waste. The classic recommendation of 8 cups of water per day may increase in the summer. If thirst comes to mind or heat fatigue arises, enjoy water, an herbal sun tea, or a glass of sparkling water with a sprig of mint. You can even eat water through the summer bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables: a cucumber salad, crisp bell pepper slices, or a bowl of watermelon cubes.

Looking for a place to explore the outdoors? Search for one of the 70+ dedicated parks in the valleys of the Umpqua River:

Join the Thrive Umpqua Well-Being Challenge and check out their list of free movement events in town: Invite a friend, bring your reusable water bottle, and pack a picnic with fresh berries, fruits, and veggies!

This article comes to you from the Cow Creek Health and Wellness Center Dietetics Team.

Please reach out to one of our Lifestyle Coaches for lifestyle and nutrition support, or join one of the Diabetes Prevention Program groups!

Hannah Corbett: (541) 672-8533, ext 5267
April Gilliom: (541) 672-8533, ext. 5226