Learn More about Tribal Forestry with this Interactive, Multimedia Story Map

“Breaking Point: The State of Tribal Forestry Today” uses an immersive multimedia approach to spreading formation about the work, challenges, and opportunities facing Tribal forestry agencies in today’s world.

The story map focuses around a look at Tribal forests, low funding that complicates caring for them while following Bureau of Indian Affairs guidelines, and maintaining self-governance. It is a call to action for policy makers, while also providing a human element through the voices and experiences of Tribes across
the nation.

Not only does the story map utilize text and photos, but it also features audio clips with music and interviews with Tribal leaders, videos discussing relevant topics, and click-and-point maps that lead to more information.

The Indian Forest Management Assessment Team, a task force organized by the Intertribal Timber Council who produced the story map, had this to say:

“Along with these and other challenges, Breaking Point also showcases opportunities for partnerships to improve forest management on tribal and nontribal lands in ways that will benefit all Americans. Indian forests offer good stewardship models, through practices like cultural burning, that could also be applied to managing federal lands. The StoryMap shows how people are strengthening tribal capacity for participation and building cultural awareness among federal agency  personnel to make these partnerships successful.”

Click here to view “Breaking Point: The State of Tribal Forestry Today”