Are You Prepared for the Next Big Emergency?

This article by Our Partners at the Oregon Office of Emergency Management

One easy way to practice preparedness is to take part in the Great Oregon Camp-In. During the weekend following the Great Oregon Shake Out (—a global earthquake drill on October 17, where people practice how to stay safe during an earthquake—we encourage everyone to practice what it might be like to do day-to-day things after a large-scale event.

If possible, you can try camping out for a night in your yard—maybe invite your neighbors to join you. Get the community involved and practice your Be 2 Weeks Ready skills together.

If someone doesn’t have a yard—or a full day of camping feels overwhelming—participating can be as simple as not using running water or electricity in your home for a couple of hours—or the whole weekend.

The Great Oregon Camp-In is a great opportunity to try out some of the tips in OEM’s Be 2 Weeks Ready Tool kit, while getting to know your neighbors and helping everyone be more prepared.

More information to come on the Great Oregon Camp-In! Visit or